9 research outputs found

    Choice and ground of sifting surfaces quantity at cascade classification

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    У статті розглядається спосіб каскадної гравітаційної сепарації дрібнофракційних матеріалів, який заснований на принципі багаторазового повторення процесу поділу потоку сипучого матеріалу на каскаді послідовно встановлених розділових елементів, що дозволяє повною мірою використовувати ефект гравітаційного поділу при класифікації сипучих ма-теріалів по комплексу фізико-механічних властивостей частинок. Здійснено вибір пара-метрів для розподілу матеріалу. А також проведено аналіз необхідної кількості просівальних вузлів.Пропонований спосіб дозволяє підвищити ефективність розділення матеріалу і розши-рити функціональні можливості обладнання.В статье рассматривается способ каскадной гравитационной сепарации мелкофрак-ционных материалов, который основан на принципе многократного повторения процесса разделения потока сыпучего материла на каскаде последовательно установленных разде-лительных элементов, что позволяет в полной мере использовать эффект гравитационного разделения при классификации сыпучих материалов по комплексу физико-механических свойств частиц. Осуществлен выбор параметров для разделения материала. А также проведен анализ необходимого количества просеивающих узлов. Предлагаемый способ позволяет повысить эффективность разделения материала и расширить функциональные возможности оборудования.In this paper, a method of cascading gravity separation small fraction of materials, which is based on the principle of multiple repetition of the process of separation of the flow of particulate matter on the stage successively established the separation of elements that allows full use of the effect of gravitational separation in the classification of bulk materials on a range of physical and mechani-cal properties of the particles. Implemented choice of parameters for the separation of the material. As well as an analysis of the required number of screening sites. The proposed method allows to in-crease the separation efficiency of the material and expand the functionality of the equipment

    Harnessing software development contexts to inform software process selection decisions

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    Software development is a complex process for which numerous approaches have been suggested. However, no single approach to software development has been met with universal acceptance, which is not surprising, as there are many different software development concerns. In addition, there are a multitude of other contextual factors that influence the choice of software development process and process management decisions. The authors believe it is important to develop a robust mechanism for relating software process decisions and software development contexts. Such an approach supports industry practitioners in their efforts to implement the software development processes vital for a particular set of contextual factors. In this paper, the authors outline a new tool-based framework for relating the complexity of software settings with the various aspects of software processes. This framework can extract the key software process concepts from process repositories, for example, from CMMI-DEV or ISO/IEC 15504-5 (a.k.a. SPICE – Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination). A team of software development experts then collaborates in order to identify and validate the strength and nature of the relationship between the key process concepts and the contextual factors that are known to affect the software development process. The result of this collaboration is a prototype of a flexible model, which can be extended over time into a broader process consideration, for example, where agile processes or further specific situational factors could be added to the framework. The authors contend that a model such as the one proposed in this paper can serve as a valuable tool, assisting software developers in making decisions regarding the selection of software best practices, as well as providing general guidance for process improvement initiatives

    Changing situational contexts present a constant challenge to software developers.

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    A software process can take many forms and its optimality demands that it should be harmonised with the needs of the given software development situational context. This theoretical proposition is reasonably clear. However, the finer details of the interaction between the software process and the factors of the situational context are much less obvious. In previously published research, the authors have elaborated a reference framework that identifies the factors of a situational context that affect the software process [1]. In this paper, we report on the application of our reference framework in an examination of the changing nature of software development situational contexts. Our corresponding study of fifteen software development companies indicates that certain factors appear more subject to change than others. This finding is a potentially important insight that can help us with the recurring challenge of adapting the software process to changing circumstances

    Efficient Adoption and Assessment of Multiple Reference Models

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    A variety of reference models such as CMMI, COBIT or ITIL support IT organizations to improve their processes. These process improvement reference models (IRMs) cover different domains such as IT development, IT Services or IT Governance but also share some similarities. As there are organizations that address multiple domains and need to coordinate their processes in their improvement we present MoSaIC, an approach to support organizations to efficiently adopt and conform to multiple IRMs. Our solution realizes a semantic integration of IRMs based on common meta-models. The resulting IRM integration model enables organizations to efficiently implement and asses multiple IRMs and to benefit from synergy effects

    Harnessing software development contexts to inform software process selection decisions

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    Software development is a complex process for which numerous approaches have been suggested. However, no single approach to software development has been met with universal acceptance, which is not surprising, as there are many different software development concerns. In addition, there are a multitude of other contextual factors that influence the choice of software development process and process management decisions. The authors believe it is important to develop a robust mechanism for relating software process decisions and software development contexts. Such an approach supports industry practitioners in their efforts to implement the software development processes vital for a particular set of contextual factors. In this paper, the authors outline a new tool-based framework for relating the complexity of software settings with the various aspects of software processes. This framework can extract the key software process concepts from process repositories, for example, from CMMI-DEV or ISO/IEC 15504-5 (a.k.a. SPICE – Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination). A team of software development experts then collaborates in order to identify and validate the strength and nature of the relationship between the key process concepts and the contextual factors that are known to affect the software development process. The result of this collaboration is a prototype of a flexible model, which can be extended over time into a broader process consideration, for example, where agile processes or further specific situational factors could be added to the framework. The authors contend that a model such as the one proposed in this paper can serve as a valuable tool, assisting software developers in making decisions regarding the selection of software best practices, as well as providing general guidance for process improvement initiatives